

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sorry, I didn't watch a lot this week

Hey guys,
I didn't watch too much this week because I was busy saving the world but I can't talk about that because it's classified.
When I did get some time to watch stuff this week it was mostly season 1 of 24. I've seen it before, but then Hopper died and it made me all nostalgic (he's the awesome villain in season 1). I'm not done the season yet, but it's as fun as I remember it. Everyone on the show sucks except Jack Bauer (and Hopper, when he eventually shows up on like, the last dvd). Everyone at CTU is an idiot, because they're all "by the book" and don't like when Jack goes with his gut. Well you know what, morons? Jack's gut has saved this great nation more often than [insert something here]. Jack's wife and daughter suck. His daughter gets kidnapped THREE TIMES in season 1, and I know for a fact that in season 2 she is held hostage by a goddamn mountain lion (retroactive spoiler alert). It's like the writers originally knew that Jack would need a family to care about because it would help the audience relate to him, but then they ran out of stuff for them to do. They were like
"Hey, in this part of the script we only have Jack driving for like 40 minutes and then walking around in a field in the middle of nowhere. Pretty boring stuff, no action and no plot development so we need to show something else for a little while. Let's kidnap the daughter and give the wife temporary amnesia. No, it's just temporary, her memory will kick back in as soon as the action picks up again. Yeah, she sucks."
I'm gonna watch more of it later, even though I know it's just a show designed to push Fox's right wing agenda onto a stupid country but I like it. I think Keifer Sutherland should win an award for pissed off staring, by the way.

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