

Friday, June 18, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Hey guys! I started watching stuff again this week, and right off the bat I've got a doozy! Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland. Wow, Tim Burton really stepped out of the box on this one, I can tell you that. It features a slightly older, slightly gothier Alice who returns to Wonderland so that Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter can act crazy. And boy do they! They act just as crazy as they do in every Tim Burton movie. Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter is completely insane, except you know, when the plot requires a moment of sanity. Helena Bonham Carter yells at everybody! A lot! She's never done that before, this is crazy!!!
My problem with Tim Burton is that he used to be awesome and now he sucks. He sucks because he knows he used to be awesome and hasn't changed a thing- every visual in this film was exactly as you would expect it. Everything is impossibly goth and sinister- it's like they filmed the whole movie inside a Hot Topic. The studios might as well save some money and just release Edward Scissorhands under a different title every couple of years. We get it, Tim, you have a unique and skewed view of the world! (if by 'unique and skewed' you mean 'same as every 14 year old girl')

Don't bother watching Alice in Wonderland.

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